Saturday, January 16, 2010


Here are a few pictures from the last few months. It's been busy, but we have had a good time. Rohn will be 9 months on the 30th. We still can't believe how quickly he's growing. He sleeps 12 hours a night and takes two good naps during the day. He eats really well (as you can tell from the pictures) and has really turned into a little ham. There are some days where he gets me into a laughing fit because he is in a laughing fit :). We couldn't have asked for a happier baby! We love our little bubs!
I can't believe how big he's gotten. When we first bought this he couldn't even touch the toucan. Now he is on the last stage of it and can eat the toucan!
Always smiling! (Don't you love the chub?? The kid is nothing but rolls)

He loved the beach!

mama's boy

Already getting chased by the ladies! (What happens in Cabo, stays in Cabo.)

Looking handsome in his Christmas outfit from Uncle Chris and Renee

He started pulling himself up to his knees a few days before Christmas (7 1/2 months). Now he is standing and scaring mom with his braveness.

He is such a ham!!

He was amazed by the tree, but he was pretty good about not taking decorations off (after it was decorated!)

I'm bummed because after looking through all of our pictures I realized that there is not one picture of the three of us from Christmas, or our trip to Mexico :(. I really need to get better at taking more pictures.

Friday, January 15, 2010

Here we are!

What a crazy few months it's been. Yes, we still do exist! Rohn is growing like a weed. He has 4 teeth now, crawls and pulls himself up, and has even taken a few steps with his activity walker! He is the best baby ever :). We have been very busy since August. We traveled to Reno a few times, Grandmas and Grandpas/papas have visited, we traveled to Cabo San Lucas, and we have taken several trips around the bay area. I can't believe Rohn is already almost 9 months. Time just flies!! He weights about 21 pounds now and is still a little chunker :). I will upload some pictures tomorrow, I swear it won't be another 5 months!!

Sunday, August 30, 2009

Can it be?

  • Rohn is already 1/3 of a year old :(

  • I am now starting my 4th week of teaching second grade.

  • I haven't posted in over a month...make that closer to 2 months.

  • I can't manage to clean my bedroom/living room/bathroom/laundry room

  • I still have a few pregnancy pounds that are making it impossible to fit into my beloved clothes.

  • I am supposed to run a 1/2 marathon in 8 weeks.

  • There are only 159 days of school left until summer vaca.

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Pork Chop

Look at those cheeks!!
Happy baby!
Rohn's 2 month appointment was on Friday the 10th. All in all it went well. The little pork chop has gained lots of weight and is very healthy. Shots were ok. I listened from afar in the lobby, since I didn't have the heart to watch my baby get manipulated. Jarrod said that Rohn made a surprised face when they stuck him with the needle and then the loud cry ensued. Our poor little man was a bit grumpy for the remainder of the day, but was doing great the next day.

Two month stats:
14.6 pounds ->95th percentile
16 3/4 inch head circumference-> 95th percentile
24 1/4 inch length -> 90th percentile

He hasn't laughed yet, but he gets super excited and squeals when he plays on his play mat. He doesn't sleep through the night consistantly yet. Instead he likes to surprise us every once in awhile with a nice 6 hour stretch.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

2 months and thousands of miles traveled

One happy baby and 2 adorable dimples
Discussing the current recession over an ice cream
The mountain that was supposed to be in the background of the next picture!!

Don't wake a sleeping baby for a family picture, even if it's for a picture in front of Mt.Mckinley!! (which you can't even see!!)
Sleepin on the job with cousin and great-grandma
T-rouble Jordan
Getting attacked by the kissy monster Gabriella
analyzing politics with cousin Hailie

Rohn is now 10 weeks old. It's amazing how quickly the time flies. He goes in tomorrow for his 2 month check-up. We are anxious to see how much he weighs since we can't imagine his cheeks getting any bigger:)
We spent the past three weeks in Alaska visiting Amber's family. It was so nice being there for that long. Time was spent hanging out with family and friends, hanging out in Anchorage and lots of relaxing. We are blessed to have the amazing baby that we have. He was so good on all 4 of the flights and all of the driving that we did. The pressure in the plane didn't bother him and he pretty much slept and entertained the people around us. We are either lucky parents or he is just easing us into the trouble that is about to ensue:)
In the past few weeks Rohn has started smiling and cooing and even laughing on occasion. He grabs onto toys and holds them and loves looking at anything shiny or colorful. He loves laying on his play mat and batting at his toys. The excitement in his little voice is so cute. When he is sitting in your lap he wants to stand up. He and daddy play a game where he holds onto dads hands and stands up quickly. He absolutely loves it!! We can't wait to see what he learns to do in the next few weeks...maybe it will be sleeping through the night :) Although last night he had a 6 1/2 hour stretch from 9:30pm to 4am....yeah for mom!!
After our appointment tomorrow we will update on stats.

Thursday, May 28, 2009

4 weeks

Today our little man turns 4 weeks. We can't believe how quickly the time is going. On Tuesday of this week daddy had to go back to work, so it was just Rohn and mama for 48 straight hours. We actually did quite well without daddy, but we were very excited to see him when he came home.

Rohn is really starting to be more alert. He raises his head off of our shoulders and looks around, and his awake times are really starting to get longer and longer. He is also starting to track objects near him. When his attention is on something he will follow it around. We are not quite sure how much he weighs, but we are pretty sure it is somewhere near 10 pounds, if not more!! He has also started to smile, you might be thinking it's gas, but we think it's a genuine smile!

We are excited for what the next few weeks will bring. Rohn will be going on his first trip in an airplane on June 16th. We can't wait to show him off to all of the family in Alaska.

Tuesday, May 19, 2009

A few of the favs...

Here are a few of my favorite pictures so far :)
Our little guy has the cutest dimples. We catch him smiling all the time. While we know the smiles aren't for us yet, we still think they are super adorable. We can't wait until he smiles for us...we know it won't be long!

Since Jarrod and I both have blue eyes, we think Rohn may end up with blue eyes too! While it is still too early to tell, we think they are already blue!!

When he sleeps, his hands are always up by his face. I think it may be because his hands were by his face for so long in the womb.